Our Comprehensive Network of Programs & Services
Now enrolling for all Early Childhood Education programs: preschool, Head Start, Early Head Start, and Prenatal Support.
E-mail [email protected] to enroll.
For family and domestic violence counseling services, emergency assistance services, community health, and HIV/AIDS services, call us at 973-483-2703 or 973-624-4222 or email [email protected].
Now enrolling for summer camp for school age children! Contact us to register at 973-483-2703, 973-624-4222 or youth&[email protected].
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance season is up and running! Our 317 Roseville Avenue center is open daily. Submit LIHEAP and USF applications, emergency requests and all supporting documents to: [email protected], drop off in our drop box on site, mail to La Casa de Don Pedro/LIHEAP, P.O. Box 7118, Newark, NJ 07107, fax to 973-485-9984, or visit a customer service representative in person. Email inquires and questions to
[email protected].
For all adult education, LEAD Charter School, citizenship and English as a Second Language classes, and immigration legal services, contact us at 973-481-4568, [email protected], or [email protected].
For housing counseling (foreclosure prevention and first time homebuyer counseling) and financial counseling, call 973-485-0701. For Rental Housing Assistance, contact [email protected].
All Weatherization and Lead Abatement clients can submit program applications, supporting documents and questions to: [email protected].