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Contact us for more resources

What to do during an encounter with immigration

To prepare our communities for encounters with Immigration (ICE) services, La Casa de Don
Pedro has created this ‘Know Your Rights’ flyer in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole,
French, Yoruba, and Arabic. Feel free to download, print, and share with your family, friends, and colleagues.

Select Flyer to Download


Emergency Checklist in Case of Detainment or Deportation

  • Make a list that everyone can see of friends and family members that can help in case you are detained.

  • Find someone who will take care of your child or children in case you or spouse is unable. Speak with this person about the responsibilities of caring for your children.
  • If someone is willing to care for your child or children if you are unable, complete the Power of Attorney form below. It is recommended that you complete a separate form for each of your children and that you also complete the information sheet. It is strongly advised that you renew the Power of Attorney form every year.
  • If it is possible, put some money aside to help with expenses.

  • If you have U.S. citizen children, make sure they have U.S. Passports in case your deportation makes it necessary for them to travel outside of the U.S. Forms are available at all U.S. post offices.

  • Make photocopies of all of your immigration documents. Keep a copy of all your documents with a trusted friend or family member.
  • Do not carry foreign identification documents with you (like a passport from a country other than the U.S.). If you have some lawful status, like asylum or a green card, it is advisable to carry proof of this.

  • Always carry with you telephone numbers of attorneys and family members you can call in case you are detained.

  • Remember, if you are stopped by ICE agents, you have the right to remain silent and do not have to answer any questions!

  • If an ICE officer arrives at your home, the officer can only enter with a judicial search warrant (signed by a judge, NOT BY ICE) OR if someone in the house allows them to enter. If you suspect that ICE agents are at your home and they do not have a search warrant, DO NOT open the door.

Click here to download Emergency Planning Checklist

Power of Attorney

Use this template to delegate authority of your child(ren) to a trusted friend or family member in the event of detainment or deportation.

Emergency Child Information SHeet

Use this form to share important information about your children with a trusted guardian in case of emergency.

Know Your Rights Cards

Download, print, and keep this card in your pocket to use as a guide during encounters with immigration officials.

We Have Rights When Documenting ICE

Learn how to lawfully document interactions with Immigration Officials by watching this short video below.