Universal Service Fund

USF is a program created by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities and managed by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs to help make energy bills more affordable for low-income customers. If you are eligible, USF can lower the amount you have to pay for natural gas and electricity.

To be eligible for USF, your household must:

1) Be income-eligible according to the income requirements below.

2) Spend more than 2% of your household income on gas and/or electricity; (or spend more than 4% of your household income on electric heating).

If you are found eligible to participate in the USF program, you will receive a credit on your electric and/or natural gas bill to help reduce your monthly cost. The size of the monthly credit is based on total household income and the amount of money you typically pay for gas and electric service. 

USF Income Requirements:

Family Size Gross Monthly Income
1 $3,676
2 $4,807
3 $5,938
4 $7,069
5 $8,200
6 $9,331
7 $9,543
8 $9,755
9 $9,968
10 $10,180
11 $10,392
12 $10,604